Imbolc - Live Ritual and Potluck
Sat, Feb 04
Join us and share sacred space as we celebrate the coming of Brighid and the returning of the light!

Time & Location
Feb 04, 2023, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM PST
UUCLV, 3616 E Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89115, USA
About the event
Have you heard our lady sing? She Comes, and brings along the hopes and dreams that only come with each and every spring, she gives life to the Acorns below, as too the bud and the blossom grow. Then nests are formed upon ancient boughs as well the Rooks, Ravens and Crow. She wakes them all to bring splendor and grace to life’s loving embrace as she breathes them life cast forever ever on it goes. (adapted from The Elves and the Pixies had a Feast, by Tim Wykes.)
Come along as we celebrate the return of Brighid! Although we still feel the cold dark of Winter, She returns little by little every day, fulfilling the promise of Spring and Life renewed!
Join us on February 4th - share sacred space and enjoy the magickal music of Abigail Spinner McBride!
Please RSVP for our in-person celebration, and bring a dish to share for the potluck dinner immediatly following the ritual.